When I showed up on Friday, I found the HVAC guy in the basement fine-tuning the geothermal heat pump/condensing unit. Apparently everything looked okay; however, the electrician was out looking for a general purpose starter for the supply well. At this point I was practically beside myself with anticipation- this would be the second of the housing trifecta (electric, HVAC, water). And it would mean I can finally stay there for a prolonged period without feeling like I'm getting frostbite.
After the electrician arrived and installed the starter, the system roared to life. Or should I say it "whooshed" to life. At first it was just the fan system. Soon after, the condenser came on. Immediately I could see that the well water getting sucked into the filter was full of all kinds of disgusting schmootz- and it had the color of something not unlike green tea. Thank Buddah I don't have to drink from this stuff! Apparently this will get cleaner and cleaner as the pump sucks up all of the crud floating at the surface. Also, as it turns out, I am not getting any water hammering effect, which means I don't have to go through the expense of installing an expansion tank. Woo-hoo!
Soon I found myself running around upstairs checking the air registers. HEAT! Although, ironically enough, it was not really needed since temperatures outside were in the mid sixties- practically a heatwave in January. One thing that concerns me, however, is the noise. It's not exactly loud; rather, the pump transmits a heck of a vibration up through the first floor deck (all 18 inches of it!). And outside you can actually hear the water getting discharged into the return well- a sound that is not unlike the muffled noise of a toilet flushing. It's actually kind of soothing in a strange way.
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